Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Toy Mouse:
1.)    Wonder in my experience is when you try to find out all of the aspects of something. You wonder about its past, its future, its life, and its purpose. If I was six years old, I probably would have come up with a whole secret world for the toy and acted it out either in reality or in my mind. I would have done this because the actually reality of the toy is a lot more dull than the one I could come up with. The toy’s real reality would not have entertained me.
2.)    I think that we are less capable of wonder and imagination as we get older because we know more about the world. A lot of our questions get answered and so we lose that wonder of our surroundings. For example, kids wonder about the stars but adults don’t because they know that they are just swirling balls of gas in space.
3.)    I think that this means that concepts are ideas that we believe are true because we came up with them. As a result, we worship them because we think that they are true knowledge though they could be wrong. Wonder is the greatest knowledge because it supports the fact that we can’t know everything about everything which is the highest knowledge. I find this true in my experience because there are many things in life that people thought were true but turned out to be false. For example, people used to be absolutely certain that the world was flat. It was a concept but turned out to be wrong. 

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