Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Who I am

           In class we talked about how people define themselves by what they do and not who they are. In my opinion, the two are very closely related. We define ourselves by what we do because, in a way, they reflect on who we are and they are a lot easier to say. What you do isn’t completely what defines you but it is a part. Who you are controls what you do and so I define myself with both things.
            I am a human being with basic desires. My desires include a lot of things which come together to define me as a person. I play the violin and like to read fiction. I try to do my best in everything that I do. The thing that is most valuable to me in life is my sense of self. Being able to be my own person is important to me. My religious background is Catholic and I do personally believe in God and Jesus. It should be more important to me than it is now but it is still important to me in some degree because it defines how I should act and treat others in a good way. My cultural background is so low on importance to me that I’m not even sure what it is because I haven’t really thought about it much. What I hope for in life is to make a difference and that is my biggest goal.
            All of the things that I said in the last paragraph define me because they are impact me in some way. Who we are and what we do both impact us in a way and may change us over time. Who you are controls what you do and what you do impacts your life. My religion, my name, playing the violin, being a Catholic, and my culture all define me as a human being. What I hope for and my desires also define who I might become.

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