Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What makes me happy

            What makes me happy is when I fulfill my desires and when the things around me fulfill the desires I have for them. I have unlimited desires so there are possibly infinitely many things that will make me happy. There are also many aspects of things that make me happy. They could be objects, people, ideas, dreams, or animals. Concepts like knowledge could make me happy or things that I find beautiful to look at. In this essay I will give the top things that make me happy or would make be happy if I fulfilled them.
            The top thing that makes be happy is when I feel like I have accomplished something. This makes me happy because a lot of the time I feel like I’m wasting my life and accomplishing something abates that for a little while. Another thing that makes me happy is reading fiction books that I choose. They make me happy because I like to lose myself in their pages and made-up worlds and amazing lives. The third thing that makes me happy is keeping my cat happy. This makes me happy because it is an accomplishment and a very important one to me. One thing that will make me happy in the future is becoming a vet and saving lives. This will make me extremely happy because saving lives, in my opinion, is a great way to make a difference in this world. A fourth thing that makes me happy is looking at beautiful things. Things I qualify as beautiful are sunsets, starry night skies, cats with pretty coats, and many other things. There really isn’t a reason for this besides the fact that I just like looking at them. Getting what I want makes me happy because I’m getting what I want. Learning about animals makes me happy because I find animals fascinating and want to know everything I can about them. Eating, sleeping, dreaming, and living make me happy because they fulfill certain desires I have within myself. Certain people make me happy but not many. My family only makes me happy some of the time and some friends make me happy whenever they are around and some don’t. Animals make me happy if they’re alive because if I’m seeing them, I’m probably learning about or helping them. A lot of small things also make me happy but that would take forever to write.
            All together a lot of things make me happy. Certain objects, people, thoughts, and sights have the high possibility of making my happy. Ideas, dreams, or just about anything that can be defined as a noun have the possibility make me happy. I most likely do have an infinite amount of things that make me happy because my desires are infinite and whatever fulfills those desires will make me happy. My happiness consists of whatever fulfills my desires.

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