Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1)      Some forms of religion are called primal because they have been practiced since prehistoric times and tend to come before the popular religions of today. Some characteristics of a primal religion are that they provide special insight into the mythic and ritual dimensions of religion, it is the stem of all religions, generally are practiced by nonliterate people and don’t depend on scriptures or written teachings, and they tend to be the traditions of tribal peoples.
2)      They established the landscape, various life forms including humans, tribes, territories, language, social rules, and customs.
3)      The spiritual essence of the Ancestors survives in the symbols.
4)      A totem is a representation of something like ancestors. Taboos are things that are forbidden to do.
5)      Rituals are essential because it is only through rituals that the sacred power of the Dreaming can be accessed and experienced.
6)      They originated with the very first humans.
7)      The purposes are to awaken young people to spiritual identity, redefine their social identity within the tribe, and help them learn the essential truths and their world and how they are to act within it.   
8)      Two acts are the two lower middle teeth being knocked out and buried and having the boy’s neck and back struck with wounds.
9)      The Yoruba live in the western regions of central Africa in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo.
10)  It has always been the center because it was there that the god Orisha-nla first began to create the world.
11)  They believe that reality is divided into heaven and earth with the gods and ancestors in heaven and the humans and deviant forms of humans on earth.
12)  Olorun is the primary, original source of power in the universe and all life forces owe their existence to him.
13)  The orishas are the lower gods and deities under Olorun and serve as the mediators between Olorun and human beings.
14)  Orisha-nla created the earth and Ogun is the god of iron and war.
15)  A trickster figure is a mischievous supernatural being that goes between heaven and earth because it contain both good and evil aspects.
16)  The two types are family and deified. The family are only worshiped by the family and the deified are worshiped by everyone.
17)  Their role is to mediate between the gods and ancestors in heaven and the human beings on earth.
18)  It is learning your future. It is regarded as essential because they believe that it is necessary to determine how to proceed with your life.
19)  They believe that they came twenty thousand to thirty thousand years ago from Asia by the Bering Strait.
20)  It is of vital interest because this religion serves as the model of pan-Indian religion, a recent popular movement uniting many tribes from across North America.
21)  Wakan Tanka is the name for the supreme reality.
22)  Inktomi is the trickster figure of the Lakota.
23)  They believe that four souls depart a person at death. One goes along the “spirit path” of the Milky Way and meets an old woman who decides whether it goes to live with the ancestors or goes back to earth as a ghost. The other souls go into unborn children.
24)  They try to gain access to spiritual power that will ensure greater success in activities such a hunting, warfare, and curing the ill.
25)  The structure is a dark, airtight hut made of saplings and covered with animal skins. The function is to purify the person body and spirit.
26)  A typical vision is a message coming from a spirit in the form or an animal or some other object or force of nature.
27)  A woman of outstanding moral character presides.
28)  The axis mundi is the axis or center of the universe. In the Sun Dance it is the cottonwood tree set upright in a certain spot.
29)  They do this because they feel that their body is the only thing can sacrifice because it is the only thing they truly own.
30)  Aztecs were a highly developed civilization and the people were urban, city dwellers. It is like other primal religions in its emphasis on the interrelationship between myth and rituals and how it predated Catholicism.
31)  It included most of Mexico and extended southward to Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
32)  Quetzalcoatl created and ordered the world. Teotihuacan was the origin of the cosmos.
33)  He was a priest-king. He provided the Aztecs with the perfect model for their own authority figure.
34)  They called their present age the fifth age and anticipated that it would end.
35)  The Aztecs understood the spatial world as having four quadrants extending outward from the center of the universe which connected the earthly realm to the heavenly realm above and the underworld below.
36)  Each human being was regarded as a sort of axis mundi because of the potency of the divine force in the head and the divine force in the heart.
37)  They were able to communicate with the gods and make offerings through language instead of sacrifices.    
38)  The coincidence that Cortez was wearing a feathered hat so the king at the time thought he was Topiltzin because he was supposed to come back that year.  
39)  It shows it because it joins the living and the dead through festive and spiritually meaningful rituals like the Aztecs did every year for the same basic purpose.
40)  The three themes are the thin and often crossed boundary between the supernatural and the human world, the all-encompassing nature of religion, and change.

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