Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Ninety-Nine Names of God

            One name I marked as feminine was The Sanctuary. This name can be applied to God because he is the thing we turn to when we are in trouble. When we need help, we can turn to his sanctuary. He defends us against the evil of the world. God is our sanctuary against the temptations of the devil and sin.
            One name I marked as masculine was The Avenger. It can be applied to God because not only is he our sanctuary, he avenges us. It is believed that no one can harm a child of God without feeling the wrath of God. Avenging your people is part of being a god. One was God avenged his people was the plagues on Egypt.
            Another name I marked as feminine was The Most Kind. God is the most kind because no matter how many times we stray from him and how far, he always welcomes us back. In this way, our story is like the story of the Prodigal Son. The father had every right to disown his son but he instead threw him a big party when he came back. God is like that with us and that makes him the most kind.
            Another name I marked as masculine was The Lord. This name fits God because he is the ruler of all. He is the king and lord of every known and unknown thing. There is no one above him in rank or anything. He is lord because he rules and sets the rules.
            All of these names and attributes can describe one God because he can be anything he wants to be. God all-powerful and can have any and all attributes he wants. Plus it is very possible to have a kind, avenging lord that provides a sanctuary for all of his people. God also goes beyond any name we can give him. He has no possible name and every name.  

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