Sunday, March 10, 2013


1.      The three functions of a synagogue are to be a place where Jews can meet, a place where Jews can learn and teach the Torah and other sacred texts, and a place where they can pray.
2.      When you enter a synagogue, on the eastern wall is the ark where the Torah scrolls are kept which is often covered by a parokhet and the Ten Commandments of the eternal light is above it.
3.      A rabbi is a man who leads and guides the Jewish community he serves. A man becomes a rabbi through rabbinical ordination by passing a test of knowledge of the Torah and Talmud. Most will study in a yeshiva, a Jewish institute of higher learning. He is different from other clergymen because he doesn’t wear anything special, doesn’t have the same restrictions like abstinence, and focuses on making people better by pointing out their good aspects. A rabbi’s role is answer questions, counsel, and inspire.
4.      The Sabbath is a day of joy and a gift from G-d. It is a day of rest and spiritual enrichment and occurs every seventh day.
5.      The Torah is the Old Testament, the entire Jewish bible, and is the body of their laws and teachings. The Talmud is the “Oral Torah” and which states what the scriptures mean and how to interpret them and apply the Laws.
6.      Orthodox Jews follow Jewish law laid down the Torah and Talmud and that G-d gave the entire Torah to Moses. Reform Jews focus more on moral law and monotheism. Conservative Jews believe that G-d wrote the Torah but that there was also a human component therefore it must adapt. Zionist Jews believe that anti-Semitism can be overcome through assimilation and calls for Jews to return to Palestine which is now Israel.
7.      Hebrew is the official language of Israel and it spoken by some five million people there.
8.      Yiddish is the language of Ashkenazic Jews in shtetl found in eastern and central Europe and mean “Jewish”.
9.      Mazal Tov means congratulations. Shalom means hello, peace, or goodbye.
10.  Brit Milah (Bris) is the ceremony of circumcision where a boy enter the Covenant on his eighth day of life. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah is when a boy or girl reaches 13 years old and a day and is legally mature and assumes full responsibility for observing the commandments and for all his/her deeds. A Jewish wedding is done under a chupah (wedding canopy) which symbolizes the home the couple will make together. Afterward they sign a ketubah which is a legal lien on the husband's property which is given to his wife. Then they do Bedeken where the husband lifts the veil of his to-be-wife to see if she is the right person. Then the man arrives at the chupah first and the woman is escorted there by shoshvinim. Then the bride circles around the groom either three or seven times. Then there is a blessing over wine and Birchat Erusin (the betrothal benediction). Then the rings are presented, and the formula of kiddushin pronounced. Then the Sheva Berachot (seven wedding benedictions) which are about the joys of marriage. Then ceremony ends with the groom, or both the bride and groom, breaking a glass which has been wrapped in a cloth to prevent the fragments from hurting anyone.
11.  Rosh Hashanah is commonly known as the Jewish new year and occurs on the first and second days of Tishri. It is one of their holiest days. Yom Kippur is the day set aside to atone for the sins of the previous year and occurs on the tenth day of Tishri. Hanukah is an eight day festival beginning on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev. It is not very important and the main tradition is the lighting of nine candles. Passover begins on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan and is related to the Exodus from Egypt in the Bible.
12.  I knew about Passover and that the Torah was basically the Old Testament.
13.  The most surprising thing to me is that Jews don’t really care about Hanukah which I thought was related to our Christmas which would make it a big deal.
14.  One aspect I guess is a little related is going to church on Sunday.
15.  One tradition that is different is the Bat Mitzvah since the only thing I have is a sweet 16. 

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