Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"The River"

1987- An example of this from “The River” is how the preacher is saying that the river of Jesus’ blood will wash away your sins and cleanse you.

1988- This relates to the story because the river is representing the Holy Spirit taking Henry to a new life with God through death.
1989- This relates to the story because after Henry was baptized the preacher said that he was changed now and that he now “counted”.
1990- This relates to the story and how the river washes away the sins of those that seek forgiveness and healing.
1991- This relates to how the preacher was saying that you had to believe that the river would heal you and have faith that it would.
1992- This relates to how the preacher was calling it the river of Jesus’s blood and that all rivers come from it and go back to it. He was saying that only the river of Jesus’s blood could cleanse you of your sins and link you to the kingdom of heaven.
1993- This relates to the story in how the preacher asked Henry if he wanted to be baptized before he did it.
1994- This is shown through the way that even Henry knew that the baptism wasn’t something to joke about even though he has been treated things as a joke his whole life.
1995- This relates to the story because Henry wasn’t changed on the outside. He was changed within himself through Mrs. Connin and the baptism.
1996- An example of grace in the story is how God healed those people and cured them of their sins through the river.
1997- This relates to how Henry “counted” and go to heaven after his baptism.
1998- This relates to how the preacher says that they have to have faith in God’s power and the power of Jesus’s blood if they want to be healed. He also says that it’s not the river itself but its Jesus’s blood and sacrifice.
1999- This relates to how God forgives the people through the river and that the preacher says that all rivers of purification come from the original river of Jesus’s blood. All healing comes from God.
2000- This relates to how the preacher is dedicating his life to help people become purified which is a sign of grace.
2001- This relates to how the rivers leave the main one and go back to it.
2002- This relates to how the preacher says that the people have to choose freely whether they want God’s grace or to worship the devil.
2003- This relates to how the preacher was able to heal people through grace.
2004- This relates to how the preacher says it as his responsibility to bring people to God because he had grace.
2005- This relates to how the preacher said that you couldn’t experience God through seeing miracles but by having faith that they can happen.

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